Genesis 41:37-38 The plan seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his officials. So Pharaoh asked them, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” (NIV)

God revealed to Pharaoh, through Joseph, what will occur during the next fourteen years. After interpretation of the dream meant that there was going to be a time of abundance of food followed by famine. Joseph presented to Pharaoh a survival strategy that would see Egypt through the following fourteen years. The country would have faced destruction and hunger if this strategy had not been implemented. While some may consider planning to be tiresome and superfluous, it is a critical job. Joseph’s practical application of God’s plan for Egypt rescued a whole country. Similarly, in order to assure our success and prosperity, we must take the time to translate God’s plan for us into actual activities.

God has provided us with numerous resources; but, we must take the effort to efficiently employ those resources for our survival. Careful planning is required for effective resource management. Without appropriate preparation, we may get disoriented and confused of how to reach our objectives. Just as Joseph’s planning led to Egypt’s salvation, so may our own planning lead to success and fulfillment. We can guarantee that we are on the correct track and making the most of our abilities and opportunities by taking the time to comprehend and implement God’s plan for us. God provides us with the vision, but we must put it into appropriate perspective or the vision will fail.

Prayer: Father, help me to plan to put to proper use the gifts and graces you have given me in Jesus’ name. Amen

God bless you
E. M. Onumah



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